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CVUSD Supports Attendance Awareness Month

September 1, 2024, marks the start of Attendance Awareness Month! This is a time to focus on the importance of attending school daily.

Attendance Awareness Month is an annual event started in 2011 by the Attendance Works campaign, which aims to raise awareness about chronic absenteeism. Studies show that students who keep a consistent attendance rate are more likely to succeed academically, which affirms the importance of parents and guardians ensuring that their children attend school regularly.

Attendance Awareness Month raises public awareness that students who have good attendance in September are most likely to thrive all year. Research shows that just missing two or more days of school in September is a warning sign that a student is more likely to have problems with attendance the rest of the year.

Good attendance is essential to student engagement, achievement, and high school graduation, and the CVUSD is committed to dedicating our attention and resources to reducing chronic absenteeism. Chronic absenteeism is defined as any pupil who misses 10 percent or more of school for any reason, making no distinction between excused or unexcused absences.

CVUSD acknowledges that good attendance matters, and improving attendance and reducing chronic absenteeism takes commitment and collaboration. The District will monitor attendance, share the data on how many students are chronically absent, and establish specific goals and actions to improve student attendance. Delivering the right interventions to our students will provide our community with prepared graduates and productive citizenry.

At the Wednesday, August 14, 2024 Board of Education Meeting, Resolution #24/25-02 in Support of Attendance Awareness Month was approved.

Please join the Conejo Valley Unified School District in raising awareness about the impact of attendance on student success!