Interdistrict Transfer - Families Living Outside of District

  • Families who reside outside of CVUSD boundaries and wish for their student(s) to attend a CVUSD school will need to complete an Interdistrict Transfer Agreement form below. This form must first be submitted to your district of residence for approval, and then to CVUSD in order to enroll in a CVUSD school.

    Acceptable reasons for Interdistrict Transfer include: “Child Care”, “Parent Employment”, “Sibling”, “Health & Safety”, “Specialized Program”, “Continuing Enrollment”, “Complete Final Year at Current School”, “Proposed Change in Residence” and “Other”.

    Click Below to Access Interdistrict Transfer Forms:

    CVUSD Interdistrict Transfer Application (English)

    CVUSD Interdistrict Transfer Application (Spanish)

    If you reside within the boundaries of the Oak Park Unified School District please contact their District office directly for the appropriate form.

    If you reside within the Los Angeles Unified School District boundaries, please find the following interdistrict transfer agreement forms:

    Interdistrict applications for the current school year can be submitted any time based on available space.
    Priority deadline for the next school year is February 7, 2025 at 11:59 PM.
    Questions? Please contact (805) 497-9511 Ext. 1230.

    The District may deny an interdistrict transfer request because the District does not operate the program required by the student, and/or based upon lack of space in a school, grade level, classroom, program, or service, including but not limited to those included in a student’s current Student Study/Success Team (SST) documentation, Individualized Education Program (IEP) and/or Section 504 Plan;

    The District will apply space-related criteria in uniform and nondiscriminatory ways

    The District is inquiring about a student’s general and special education interventions and requesting a copy of a student’s SST, Section 504 Plan or IEP in order to determine whether the District operates and/or has space and staffing capacity in the school, grade level, program, classroom and/or special education program and/or related service(s) that the student requires, and that any documentation provided shall be used solely for that purpose.

    The District will not unlawfully discriminate against students with disabilities in the administration, processing, and determination of an interdistrict transfer request.

Interdistrict Transfer FAQs

  • How to apply for Interdistrict Transfer

  • How to complete the Interdistrict Transfer Form - For Transfers into CVUSD

  • When can we submit our Interdistrict Transfer application to CVUSD?

  • When will we know if our Interdistrict Transfer to CVUSD is approved?

  • Do we need to re-apply for Interdistrict Transfer every school year?

  • When might an existing interdistrict transfer permit may be revoked or rescinded?

  • How do we Interdistrict Transfer out of CVUSD?

  • Interdistrict Appeal Process