Now Accepting Nominees: 2023 CVUSD Inclusion Heroes!
In honor of National Inclusive Schools Week (December 4-8, 2023) CVUSD would like to celebrate five Inclusion Heroes at its December 13, 2023, Board of Education meeting.
An Inclusion Hero is an individual who has a passion for ensuring all students have equal access and opportunity - particularly students who have historically been marginalized, and turns this passion into action by modeling inclusivity in their day-to-day work.
Nominate a teacher, staff member, or administrator in recognition of their dedication to creating a community of inclusivity, respect, and kindness that supports ALL students' access, participation, and success by completing the below nomination form by Friday, December 1, 2023, at 5:00 pm.
Click Here to Nominate a CVUSD Inclusion Hero Today!
¡Clic Aqui a Nomine hoy mismo a un Héroe de la Inclusión de CVUSD!