WeTip Now Available: A New, Important Safety Reporting Tool for Our CVUSD School Communities
The CVUSD is committed to providing a safe and caring learning environment for all students. In alignment with this commitment, an enhanced partnership with WeTip is now available districtwide.
WeTip is available 24/7 and can be used to report crimes, unsafe conduct, or concerns about people who may harm themselves or others. Through WeTip members of our CVUSD community can easily and confidentially submit reports in three different ways:
Through this Online Form (available via QR code below)
Via text message to 844.805.3649
By phone call to 844.805.3649
Reports received will be investigated with school officials and in partnership with local law enforcement, as appropriate.
Posters and flyers with this information will be available on our CVUSD campuses, and a direct link to the WeTip Online Form is available on the homepages of all of our CVUSD school websites.
WeTip will add an additional layer of support and safety in our school communities.
Watch the Informational Video, here and below:
Click here to view the below WeTip Poster of information as a PDF.
Haga clic aquí para ver el póster de información de WeTip a continuación en formato PDF.