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- Health Office
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Health Office
Students who become ill or injured need to report to their teacher to get a pass for the health office. Except in emergency situations, students are not allowed to go to the health office during passing periods without first reporting to the next period teacher to ask for a pass. A health clerk is on duty and/or the district nurse assigned to Los Cerritos is available for consultation.
All prescription drugs and/or over the counter medicines need to be brought to the health office, and left with a written statement from the doctor, as well as a note of authorization from a parent.
All students who need to come to school with a cast, sling or crutches must have a doctor's note on file in the health office along with the duration of how long they are to be out of PE. An elevator key will be issued at that time.
If your student has been diagnosed with a concussion, please ask their doctor to complete the Acute Concussion Evaluation Care Plan and then bring it to the Health Office so that we may make any and all accommodations necessary to assist in their recovery. Please feel free to call the Health Clerk with any questions.
6th Grade Students: Are you ready for the 7th Grade?
Are you ready for the 7th Grade?
6th Grade Leopard Families:
Per California state law, all students entering 7th grade will need proof of the whooping cough booster shot (Tdap) and two (2) doses of the chicken pox vaccine (Varicella) before starting school. Students who do not show proof will not be able to attend school until proof is provided.
Exemptions for personal or religion beliefs filed before January 1, 2016 are not valid for those students entering 7th grade. Any student who had a personal/religious belief exemption and will be entering 7th grade in 2020, must meet all requirements for children 7-17 years old. For further information, visit
If you have any questions, please contact our Health Office at 805-492-3538, extension 1015
PE Requirement: Doctor's Note
California requires all students to take physical education. Some students, however, may have a physical injury that prevents them from fully participating. In an effort to make this situation as smooth as possible, please have a doctor complete the linked Readmission to School of Student with Temporary Disability form. Please sign the form. Do not send your student to school with an un-prescribed appliance, i.e. boot, crutches, or scooter without this form. This is essential to ensure that the student is participating as much as possible in physical education without being in danger of causing any further injury or preventing proper healing.
Health Office
(805) 492-3538 Ext. 1015
Health Information
School Medication Guidelines & Procedures
- Medications Guidelines and Procedures
- Authorization for Any Medication Taken During School Hours, School Activities and Field Trips
- Allergy Emergency Care Plan
- Emergency Asthma Action Plan
- Readmission to School with Temp Disability
7th Grade Immunization Requirement