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Attendance Procedures
Contact: Kristina Martinez
Office Hours 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
Office Phone (805) 492-3538
School Fax (805) 493-8854When You Miss School You Miss Out
Experiences in the classrooms and the richness of activities and material covered by a teacher interacting with students can never be made up. Absence from school, especially truancy, is the greatest contributing factor to unsatisfactory schoolwork and, therefore, must be avoided except in the case of illness or emergency. A parent/guardian must call the school on the day of the absence and state the reason for your child missing school. If the absence is for an extended period of time, a note from the doctor listing all dates involved is required to excuse the absence. If special restrictions, due to physical limitations are involved, the Health Office should be advised in writing at the time the student returns to school. Our office voice mail is available 24 hours a day for your convenience.
Absences Due to School Activities
Students who are absent from class because of participation in school activities must obtain a Field Trip permission slip before the activity occurs. The slip must be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the school by the date indicated. Failure to follow this procedure will result in denial of participation in the activity. Students who miss class due to participating in school activities are expected to get assignments before missing class; students are expected to do work missed in class.
Partial Day Absences
When students are ill, have a doctor or dentist appointment, or for any other reason they do not arrive before the start of A or 1st period they are required to stop at the front office and get a re-admit slip. Parents/Guardians must walk the student in and provide a reason for their absence or tardiness. Students may also come in with a note from a doctor. If a student is late for unexcused reasons a parent is not required to walk in with them.
Early Dismissal for Appointment or Business
If your child has an appointment or needs to be dismissed early, please contact the office within an hour prior to dismissal time and request that your child be summoned to the office for you at the time that you specify.
Classification of Absences
An absence is excused according to California law for:
- Personal illness or injury
- Bereavement – funeral for an immediate family member (1 day for California and 3 days for out of state)
- Medical, dental, or chiropractic appointment
A student who has an excused absence may do make-up work and will receive full credit for work that is completed within a prescribed time limit.
A student who has been absent from a class or classes without a parent notifying the school is considered truant. If the parent notifies the school, the student’s absence will be excused if it falls into one of the above mentioned categories. Any other reasons such as a “personal day” or “family reasons” will be marked as "verified unexcused."