Our Second Grade Teachers

Second Grade

  • Second grade is a place where our children are guided and nurtured to be lifelong learners. We look forward to meeting your child's social, emotional, and academic needs.

    Language Arts: We use the Wonders series for our language arts curriculum. 

    Throughout second grade we will be focusing on increasing fluency in reading and writing more complex text. The program creates a literature-rich environment that instills a passion for literature and the written word.

    In addition to Wonders, we use the Step Up to Writing program. This is a structured program that focuses on making the writing process simple and easy to remember. Students will become familiar with the 3 main steps in writing by relating them to colors--green, yellow, and red. This process also helps students learn to independently write a clear eight-sentence paragraph.

    Math: In our Go Math program, students will learn a variety of ways to solve math problems and use critical thinking skills. Go Math is distinguished by its focus on real-life problem solving, balanced between whole-class and self-directed learning with an emphasis on communication.

    Science: Students will also explore hands-on projects through the FOSS Science program. Our science units focus on Pebbles, Sand & Silt, Solids and Liquids, and Plants and Insects.

    Social Studies: Students use the Scott Foresman curriculum and will be focusing this year on "People Who Make a Difference."