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School Attendance Challenge: April 15-May 23

We're excited to announce a friendly grade-level SCHOOL ATTENDANCE challenge and competition to run six (6) weeks from tomorrow, Monday, April 15 - Thursday, May 23. We'll share weekly grade-level attendance percentage totals here in the Eagle Flyer so that you and your student(s) may keep track of your student's (or students') grade-level progress. The winning grade level will celebrate with a PIZZA & ICE CREAM PARTY on Thursday, May 30th!!!!


How can you help your student(s) win the Pizza & Ice Cream Party? Here are some tips:

  1. Please get your kids to school on time in the morning so that their presence may be counted in our daily attendance count. Ideally, dental and medical appointments would be scheduled later in the day, preferably in the afternoon.
  2. If you are planning a trip that is three (3) to fourteen (14) days long, please reach out to the Weathersfield front office a minimum of one week in advance to request a short-term independent study contract.
  3. Consider saving shorter out-of-town trips for scheduled three or four day weekends, or bring your kids to school for the attendance count before taking the rest of the day off on departure day.
  4. Of course, if your child is sick, please keep them home for their well-being as well as that of the rest of the campus community; however, if your student can be at school, please do send them.


Every day that your child is at school on time in the morning when morning attendance is taken is a win for your student and a win for Weathersfield!


If you would like to read more about school attendance policies, please click HERE.