Attendance & Short Term Independent Study

  • For a direct link to view the CVUSD Attendance Guidelines, please click HERE.


    Attendance FAQ's

    Regular, punctual attendance directly correlates to academic performance. Good attendance is a shared responsibility between the student and parent.  We expect parents to send their children to school each day on time and to call in any absence each morning a child is absent by 8:25 am. The attendance line accepts messages 24 hours a day including weekends.

    Please click HERE to read the start-of-year principal's letter to parents regarding the importance of good attendace.


    How does the office communicate attendance issues to parents?

    • Automated phone call system—calls home each night that a student has been marked absent if the absence hasn’t already been cleared by the parent/guardian.
    • Automated phone call system—calls home each night that a student has been marked tardy to class.
    • Student attendance information can be viewed on Q ParentConnect.

    What absences may be excused?

    California Education Code section 48205 and CVUSD board policies state that absences for the following reasons may be excused: 

    • personal illness,
    • quarantine,
    • medical, dental, optometrical or chiropractic services, 
    • funeral services of an immediate family member, 
    • jury duty, 
    • illness during school hours of a child to whom the student is a custodial parent, 
    • service as a member of a precinct board,
    • participation in religious exercises or to receive moral and religious instruction,
    • Upon advance written request
      • Appearance in court
      • Attendance at funeral service
      • Observation of a religious holiday or ceremony
      • Attendance at a religious retreat not to exceed four hours per semester
      • Attendance at an employment conference. 

    Which absences are "unexcused?" 

    Absences for any reason not listed above are "unexcused." For example, family trips, non-Weathersfield athletic competitions, family emergencies, and transportation difficulty, are not reasons for which absences may be excused. When a parent/guardian/caretaker notifies the attendance office of the reason for absence before the absence occurs, the absence will be considered "unexcused."

    How do "unexcused" absences differ from "truancies?"

    When a parent/guardian/caretaker does not call the attendance office to report the reason for the absence within three school days of the absence, the absence becomes a truancy.  Absences cannot be excused after three days and will remain truancies.

    How many illness days may my child take in a school year without needing a note from a doctor to excuse the absences?

    Students may take up to fourteen (14) sick days in a school year without needing to provide a doctor's note to excuse the absence. Parents, if you do take your child to the doctor while your child is ill, you are encouraged to obtain a note from the medical office verifying that your child was seen by a health care provider and excusing the number days your child has or will be absent due to illness. Once a student has surpassed the fourteen allotted illness days in a school year, the student may be required to provide a doctor's note or be evaluated by the school nurse/health clerk each time they are absent due to illness. Students who have exceeded the allotted fourteen illness days and who do not provide a doctor's note or have themselves evaluated by the school health clerk will receive a truancy for each additional illness day accrued.

    Does being tardy to school matter?

    Yes. Students are expected to be in their classrooms when the school bell rings at 8:25 a.m. If a student is not in his/her/their classroom on time, then the student will be considered Tardy.  Three (3) unexcused Tardies of less than 30 minutes equals one (1) Truancy. One (1) unexcused Tardy of greater than 30 minutes equals one (1) Truancy.

    How can parents help?

    • Be proactive: check your child’s attendance regularly through the Q ParentConnect website.  Please visit the Weathersfield Front Office if you need a PIN or password. Due to the confidential data on Q ParentConnect, parents are required to present ID to obtain log-in information.
    • When you receive an automated or front office phone call regarding an absence, call the Weathersfield Front Office immediately to clear an absence. Please leave a message, if all lines are busy. The line accepts messages 24 hours a day including weekends. Parents must call and inform the front office of the reason for their child's absence EVERY day the student is absent from school (unless you advise front office staff that the student will be absent for multiple days). 
    • If you believe your child has mistakenly been marked absent or tardy, please call the Front Office.
    • If your student has a fever or feels ill, keep the student home. Help your student differentiate between not feeling like coming to school and being too sick to attend school.  To review the sick child guidelines, please click HERE.
    • PLEASE KEEP YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION UPDATED. Please complete all required annual updates for Q ParentConnect at the start of the year. After this update period closes (on or around August 31st), contact the front office to alert of any changes to parent and emergency contact phone numbers and email addresses, and changes to your home address.


    • The Front Office does not require advance notice that your child will be departing early, but please DO provide advance notice to your child's teacher.
    • It is recommended that parents arrive to the Front Office approximately 10 minutes prior to the time you need to leave with your child. This allows opportunity for your child to gather his/her/their belongings and come to the front office. Please keep in mind that, if you are picking your child up during their lunch, P.E. or Recess time, additional time may be needed for them to gather their belongings. Click HERE to view the Bell Schedule.
    • It is Weathersfield policy to call a child to the office for pick-up AFTER the parent has arrived.


    Short-Term Independent Study

    Short-Term Independent Study (STIS) allows a student to continue learning asynchronously under the supervision of their regularly assigned teacher when the student is unable to attend school for a limited period of time due to unique circumstances. 

    How many STIS days may my student utilize in a school year?  
    Students may utilize a maximum of fourteen (14) short-term independent study days in a school year. At this time, the minimum contract length three (3) school days and the maximum is fourteen (14) days. 

    What reasons qualify for an STIS?
    Short-Term Independent study is available for Family Travel or Covid-positive students only.

    Important STIS details you need to know:
    A short-term independent study agreement is a legal contract between the parent, teacher, school principal and the student, which all parties must sign prior to the student's first day gone. There is an exception to this requirement if the student is absent due to testing Covid-positive (please call the Weathersfield office as soon as the student receives a positive disgnosis to discuss). Failure to complete the signatory requirements will nullify the contract, and the student will not have the opportunity to receive attendance credit for the days absent from school. Parent, teacher, and principal signatures will be obtained via an electronic contract. The student will sign a hard copy of the contract. 

    In order to receive attendance credit for each day gone via STIS contract, the student must complete ALL the assignments on each respective day. Should the student fail to complete all assignments on each day, then the student will not receive attendance credit for that day.

    How do I set up an STIS for my student?

    1. Please contact the Weathersfield Front Office. Contact with the front office must be made in person or via phone call a MINIMUM of four (4) school days prior to the last day student is at school before trip departure. EXAMPLE:  If the student's last day at school before trip departure is a Thursday, then the parent must contact the office in person or by phone no later than the Friday prior to departure. It is highly recommended to provide as much advance notice as possible to insure enough time to process the contract. Parental requests sent via email may not be received in a timely manner and are not guaranteed.
    2. Sign the electronic contract promptly once received. It will route to the teacher and principal only after the contract is first signed by the parent.
    3. Students will receive an STIS assignment packet from their teacher on the last day prior to trip departure unless the teacher requests that the student sign the contract and pick up their STIS packet directly from the Front Office. Please contact your child's teacher directly a few days prior to departure.

Reporting Absences

  • Please call the Weathersfield FRONT OFFICE to report an absence every morning before 8:25 a.m., on the day(s) that your child will be absent from school, (805) 492-3563. The attendance line accepts messages 24 hours a day seven days a week.

    The exceptions to this rule are as follows:

    1. Your child has been marked out sick for multiple days in compliance with illness protocols.

    2. Your family is traveling and you've completed a Short Term Independent Study agreement for the days your child will be absent.

    3.  You've contacted the office to advise us that your child will be absent for multiple days.


    1. Please DO NOT send an email to front office staff advising of an absence. Always call the office and, if necessary, leave a message on the ATTENDANCE LINE (please follow the attendance line prompts).
    2. Please DO NOT rely on your child's teacher to report the child's absence. It is the parent's responsibility to report an absence to the office.
    3. Please DO NOT put notes from medical providers excusing your child's absence into your child's backpack. This documentation must be provided directly to the front office.

    Department of Education - Attendance

    To view the California Department of Education Attendance Code policy regarding truancy definition, approved excused absences, and disciplinary action which may be taken against students and/or parents, please click HERE.

    To view the California Department of Education policies on improving school attendance, please click HERE.