Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)

  • What is GATE?

    GATE stands for Gifted and Talented Education. In the Conejo Valley Unified School District, students that qualify as Gifted and Talented are clustered together in classes. 

    At grade levels where there are more than 5 GATE students identified, we cluster students in multiple classes. Within those classes, teachers differentiate the curriculum to better meet the needs of the students. An example might be in reading, where the teacher assigns a particular genre of literature. Once the students have read their book, a book report might be assigned. 

    The majority of students in the class might write a summary of the story. A few students who struggle in reading comprehension might answer some comprehension questions. GATE students might be asked to write a paper about the author’s intent, sighting specific examples for the book. By differentiating the curriculum, the assignment is better tailored to the student’s ability. 

    Gate Parent Meeting
    Click here to view the GATE Parent Meeting Slidedeck

    Haga clic aquí para ver el programa de la reunión de padres de GATE

    September 30, 2024 
    5:00-5:30 p.m.
    Via Teams

    Student Meeting Dates

    Coming Soon
    Need more information or have some comments regarding our program?
    Please contact either:

    Parent Representative: TBD
    GATE Facilitator: Mrs. Laurie White
    Principal: Mrs. Gina Mandell
  • Parent Meetings

    Coming Soon!

    GATE Resources


    To Be Gifted and Learning Disabled: Strategies for Helping Bright Students with LD, ADHD, and more. 
    - Susan M. Baum and Steven V. Owens

    Growing Up Gifted: Developing the Potential of Children at Home and at School
    - Barbara Clark

    The Gifted Kids Survival Guide (For ages 10 and Under)
    - Judith Galbraith

    The Gifted Kids Survival Guide: A Teen Handbook
    - Judith Galbraith and Jim Delistle 

    They Say My Kid is Gifted: Now What?
    - F. Richard Olenchak

    “Mellow out” They Say. If I Only Could: Intensities and Sensitivities of the Young and Bright 
    - Michael M Piechowski

    Stand up for Your Gifted Child: How to Make the Most of the Kids’ Strengths at School and at Home 
    - Joan Franklin Smutny

    Expert Approaches to Support Gifted Learners, A Collaboration with the CA. Association for the Gifted 
    - Edited by Margaret Wayne Gosfield

    Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults: ADHS, Bipolar, OCD, Aspergers, Depression and Other Disorders
    - James Webb, PhD et al

    The Survival guide for Parents of Gifted Kids
    Sally Yahneke Walker