Join Us

  • Become a member of the PTA today! Membership dues are just $10 and give you a voice (and voting rights) at General Association Meetings. You can sign up here:

    Cypress parents, be sure to sign up for the Membership Toolkit (if you haven't already!).

    The app and website are used to communicate important school information, purchase items such as Spirit Wear and Yearbooks and access your child's classroom directory. 

    If you have not received an email inviting you to subscribe to Membership Toolkit, you can create an account and then download the mobile app.

    Please make sure to update your child's teacher in Membership Toolkit ever year. Once you have registered in Membership Toolkit, please go to Family Information - Next Step and update the Teacher for your child(ren). This will ensure that we can send classroom-specific communications and that we can make sure any Cypress store order gets to the correct classrooms. 

    Click here for our PTA Membership Form