Our School
- About Us
- Bell Schedule
- Child Care
- Counseling
- English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
- Lang Ranch Handbook
- Library
- Mental Health and Wellness Resources
- Principal
- Rooted in Community
- School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
- School Map
- School Site Council (SSC)
- Suggested Student Supply List
- Weekly Wrangler E-Newsletter
A Few Words From Our Principal

Phone: (805) 241-4417 Ext. 322
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Megan Triplett
Howdy Wranglers! It is great to be at Lang Ranch. I love being a Wrangler. It was a great summer but we are all ready to welcome back our Wranglers. The teachers have been trickling in to the school in steady and diligent preparation for the new school year. A few teachers have moved grade levels so don’t be surprised when you see changes at the Wrangler Round-up. When you see me on campus please take the time to stop and say hello. Make sure to include your child so they too feel comfortable talking to me and coming to me for help. Our school is an important place for our students and our community. Thank you for being a part of this community. At Lang Ranch we care about your child so please contact me if you need anything.
Ms. Megan Triplett
Lang Ranch Elementary