Sequoia School Site Council

  • The Sequoia School Site Council (SSC) is a committee of teachers, classified employees, parents and students that works with the school principal to develop, review, evaluate, and discuss issues concerning our students and campus. The SSC is required to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, including an analysis of verifiable state and local data, provide recommendations related to the school’s Title I program (if applicable), and participate in the development and approval of the school’s SPSA (Single Plan for Student Achievement). The SPSA is a strategic plan that outlines specific and measurable goals at the school site with the intention of increasing student achievement. The SPSA should align with the local educational agency’s (LEA’s) Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) process as they both help support continuous cycles of action, reflection, and improvement.

2024-2025 Meetings

  • All meetings are open to the public, and take place monthly at 7:30 a.m. For more information about SSC, please contact Sequoia's principal Karla DiDomizio.


    August 28, 2024
    Approved Minutes; April 17, 2024

    September 18, 2024
    Approved Minutes; August 28, 2024

    October 16, 2024
    Approved Minutes

    November 20, 2024
    Approved Minutes

    January 15, 2025
    Approved Minutes

    February 19, 2025
    Approved Minutes

    March 19, 2025
    Approved Minutes

    April 16, 2025
    Approved Minutes

2024-2025 SSC Members

  • Parent SSC Representatives
    Cameo Carolan
    Christiana Dexter
    Kinsie Flame
    Ali Mroue
    Amy Zobel
    Open Seat


    District Advisory Council Representatives
    AADC: Vacant
    DAC: Kinsie Flame
    DELAC: Vacant
    GATE DAC: Christine Wells
    LGBTQ+: Diane Brister
    SEDAC: Vacant



    Karla DiDomizio

    Hilary Balam
    Jenna Burge
    Karin Hochevar
    Susan Schulte
    K. Stevenson

    Staff Representative
    Jaime Taylor

    Community Representative
    Lisa Barron (Boys & Girls Club)