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Wednesday, Aug. 14th
10am-12:30pm WEB Camp
6th Grade Orientation

Thursday, Aug. 15th
7th/8th Grade Orientation 

The purpose of orientation day is to pick up class lists and purchase/pick up any necessary materials such as locks or clothing and course listings. All students should plan on attending orientation in the auditorium. Parents are invited to attend along with their children but are not required to attend orientation. Parents of incoming sixth graders are strongly encouraged to accompany their child to orientation. WEB/ASB Students will be available to give student tours at the end of orientation. 

● Preliminary student course list (not a schedule) will be distributed only at your designated orientation time. No changes will be made based on teacher preference, order of classes, etc. Forms to request course changes will be available at orientation. Counselors are not available during orientation. Any questions about a student's program may be done by emailing the counselors or contacting the counseling office. 

● Students will receive locker assignments and may put locks (blue locks) on their book lockers. If using a previously purchased school lock, please bring the lock to orientation to record serial numbers in order to get a locker assignment. 

● School materials will be available for purchase with cash or checks (made out to Sequoia Middle School) during orientation. Supplies may also be purchased online at the webstore beginning August 1. Be sure to print out your Web Store receipt (if you purchase supplies online) and bring it to orientation in order to pick up your supplies. Financial assistance is available; please contact the front office for more information. Enclosed is a list of suggested materials for school, these items are not mandatory. 

● Textbooks are distributed the first week of school.