What is CREW?
Sequoia has implemented a new program called CREW which will take place daily after lunch. As a Sequoia CREW we focus on Compassion, Responsibility, Empowerment and our Well-being. Mondays and Fridays during CREW all students will participate in activities related to school belonging, mindfulness, pillars of character, team building, etc. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, students will have time for Independent Study (homework, test make-ups, silent reading).
Are cell phones allowed on campus?
Cellphones are allowed before/after school for personal use only. Cellphones may not be used during the school day for any reason. Cell phones should be on silent and not out/visible during the school day. This includes ear buds, air pods, headphones, etc. Students must follow the Acceptable Use Policy at all times. Violations of the AUP policy will be subject to consequences. Electronic readers may be used during the school day at appropriate and designated times. The school is not liable for lost/stolen/damaged personal property including but not limited to cell phones or electronic readers. Parents, please do not call or text students during school hours.
What elective classes does Sequoia offer?
Sixth graders may choose to participate in the careers rotation wheel, beginning band, strings or choir. In addition, students may take a “0” period class before school which features concert band, strings or choir. Seventh graders may choose to participate in the careers rotation (art, environmental studies, or computers) or may apply to take a year-long class in ASB (Associated Student Body), yearbook, digital production, or beginning band. Eighth graders may choose to participate in similar classes as those offered in seventh grade. In addition, eighth graders have the option of taking a Spanish class for high school credit (as a 4th period class after school), advanced computers, or being a TA (teacher’s assistance) or cross age tutor at an elementary school. "0" period classes for concert band, strings or choir are also offered for 7th and 8th graders in addition to an elective during the day.
Who do I contact to report an incident involving my student (ie: conflict with peers, bullying, etc.)?
Students may fill out a student incident report in the front office or in the counseling office. An administrator/counselor will speak to the student regarding their report. Please contact Mrs. Welch, assistant principal (student last name L-Z) or Mr. Nichols, dean of students (student last name A-K) with questions or to report an incident.
Who do I contact if I have a concern regarding safety?
Please contact Mrs. Welch, assistant principal (student last name L-Z), or Mr. Nichols, dean of students (student last name A-K).
Who do I contact if I have a question regarding grading or classroom policies?
Please contact the teacher directly with any questions regarding grading, policies, incidences in class.
Who do I contact if I have questions regarding IEPs and special education?
If your child has an IEP, please contact his/her case manager. For other questions related to special education, please contact Contact Mrs. Welch, assistant principal, (student last name L-Z) or Mr. Nichols, dean of students, student last name A-K).
Who do I contact if I have questions regarding Section 504 Plans?
For questions regarding 504 plans, please contact Kelly Welch, assistant principal.
Are there unauthorized objects that may not be brought on campus?
Yes, there are items that students may not bring on campus. These include any form of weapon and alcohol/drug/tobacco/vaping products. Unauthorized items also constitute things that may be disruptive to the environment, including but not limited to toys, laser pointers, etc.
Is there a dress code at school?
Sequoia does have a dress code. Please refer to the Sequoia student handbook for more information.
Is transportation provided to and from school?
A private bus company is available for transportation. For details, call (805) 495-8338, or check the bus schedule under the General Information tab on Sequoia's website.
What should I do if I have to pick up my student early?
If you know in advance of a scheduled appointment, please send your student to school with a note that includes: date, student’s name, time to be released from class, reason, and parent/guardian signature. The student needs to show the note to the teacher and then go to the office to meet his/her parent/guardian at the appropriate time. In an emergency, the parent/guardian should go to the Sequoia office, present photo ID and indicate the name of the student and the reason the student is being signed out early from school.
What should I do if my student is absent?
If your student will be absent for the entire day or coming in late, the parent/guardian must call the attendance line (805)498-3617 and choose option #1. Leave your name, child’s name, the date, and the reason for the absence. Legally excused absences are for illnesses, doctor visits or funeral services for a family member. Any absences not cleared by a note or phone call from a student’s parent or guardian within 72 hours will results in a truancy with disciplinarian consequences.
Who do I contact if I have a questions about my class schedule?
Contact your student’s counselor with all scheduling related questions. Ms. Meador works with students who have last names from A-K and Mrs. Martens works with students who have last names from L-Z.
How may I get involved as a parent?
Parents may get involved in a variety of ways. Sequoia’s School Site Council (SSC) typically meets the third Wednesday of every month (check the website for exact dates) at 7:30 a.m. in the library. The SSC assists with creating the school’s goals (part of the SPSA), approving the emergency plan, and collaboration regarding the budget. We also have parent representatives who attend monthly meetings at the district office as part of the District Advisory Council (DAC), District English Learner Advisory Council (DELAC), Gifted and Talented Education District Advisory Council (GATE DAC), and Special Education District Advisory Council (SEDAC). These representatives attend School Site Council meetings as well. Parents may also participate in PTA (Parent Teacher Association). PTA meets on the first Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the teacher’s lounge. The PTA raises funds for the school and supports the school by offering programs such as Reflections, Abilities Awareness, the Talent Show and the Fashion Show.
Who do I contact if I have a question about sports?
Please contact our athletic director, Mr. Bernstein mbernstein@conejousd.org, or Mr. Nichols mnichols@conejousd.org, dean of students.
When are report cards sent home?
Sequoia is on a trimester grading system. Progress reports are sent home in October, January and May, and indicate whether or not your student is passing his/her classes by mid trimester. In addition, all students receive a report card in December, March and June.
What sports does Sequoia offer?
Sequoia participates in the Thousand Oaks Teen Center league offering girls and boys basketball, soccer and volleyball teams. Participation in the TOTC league involve tryouts. There are also intramural lunchtime leagues that do not involve tryouts.
What clubs does Sequoia offer?
Sequoia clubs vary each year. Current clubs include: Builder's Club, Card Club, Creative Writers Club, Debate, Eco-Friendship Club, Odyssey of the Mind, Robotics, and STEM for Girls.
What is the block schedule?
The block schedule is a rotating schedule that is comprised of three 90-minute classes each day. Days rotate between A, B. On the first day of the week, a student will go to period 1A, 2A and 3A. The next day will be followed by 1B, 2B, 3B. The following day will go back to 1A, 2A and 3A. The days continue to rotate (A,B,A,B).
What time does school start and end?
School begins at 8:45 a.m. and ends at 2:55 p.m. Students who are taking a “0” period class (Intermediate/advanced band, chorus or strings) will start at 7:45 a.m. 8th grade students who are taking a 4th period class (Spanish) will end at 3:50 p.m. There are typically 1-2 minimum days per month when school ends at 1:30 p.m.